

Who do you like to read? I’ve found quite a few new WordPress blogs through new commenters (hey lurkers!) and friends’ blogs. My only pet peeve is that iOS is not conducive to me commenting on Blogger blogs (I think it must use Flash…I get locked up whenever I try to log in and comment – is it just me?). Unfortunately, I do more reading on Blogger than commenting. But I do follow you guys in my Google Reader!

Note: I live on my iPad. HH usually takes the laptop out of town. So, if something doesn’t work in the iOS browser, I can’t do it. I promise I’m not trying to be difficult with this Blogger issue. LOL!

I can read just about anything, especially if they have a great writing style. I like to read about fitness, food, hair…life in general. My blog is a mish mash of all those things. Basically, the things that are important to me.

So, hit me in the comments – what are some of your favorite blogs to read and why?

Social Media to the Rescue

To supplement what he’s doing in school, and since he doesn’t get much homework (a whole OTHER post), we usually have CH check books out of the library.

I want him to read the things that he enjoys, but I also want him to read educational books, the classics, and books that will prepare him for being a black male in this country. So, I reached out to my FB and twitter friends for book suggestions, and boy did they come through.

I’m going to put together a list with a brief synopsis of each book, and let him pick what he wants to read next. If I can find copies on half dot com I will just purchase there. I have a feeling the school library won’t have all we need. Not to mention, he can reference the books in the future if we purchase them.

Social media is not all mindless. 🙂

He might groan at this new project, but I think he will enjoy the books once he gets into them.