Brain Dump: Because MissMileHigh said so

Yep. She threw me on front street. Sent me a link to my blog and said, “um, remember this?” LOL!
Well overdue, I know.

  • My two major stressors are trying to figure out what to do about this wedding, and trying to learn to swim. I pretty much suck at this swimming thing, except for on my back. I guess if my face is out of the water, I can deal. It’s been a lot harder than I thought it would be. I still don’t feel comfortable in the water. I like to learn things fast. Tell me what to do, I do it, and we keep it moving. Not so much on this swimming thing. I think private lessons are in order. I love the Tri It For Life training, but as they say, there’s only so much they can do.
  • I told HH we need to hit the JOP and figure the rest out later. In a nutshell, I’m we’re not going into debt over this. No one is helping us…I feel like if they really want to be there, they’ll find a way to get down here. I’m even amenable to changing the date to give them a whole year to save some cash.
  • The stepson will be here soon (he needs a blog name)! Provided he doesn’t have to go to summer school first. *facepalm* I’m hoping that when he gets down here we can keep him on the straight and narrow and at least get his grades up. I’m nervous. I don’t even have my own kids and now I’m about to step in and help parent one at a pretty critical age. Pass me a bottle of wine.
  • In preparation for this, I’ve decided to acquiesce and give him the room with the bigger closet. In return, I got the shelf I’ve been wanting from Ikea. Yay! But I miss that closet. The kid owes me. LOL!
  • Speaking of the shelf, guess whose clothes are haphazardly thrown on top? I’ll give you a hint: they aren’t mine. LOL!



  • I ran a very hilly location on Monday, and could barely bend my knee on Tuesday. No bueno. I have to keep it on flat courses and 20-25 minutes at a time. I’ll know better next time.
  • MamaMixtress was in VA with my sisters for two weeks. Her commentary on the bath salts dude was just priceless. Absolutely no filter. She says whatever comes to her mind. After 70 years on this earth, I guess she is entitled. LOL! I need to get her down to CLT. I worry about her more these days. Losing my dad and my grandma three weeks apart was hard for all of us, but I think it was harder for her than she let on.
  • My brother came to the Capital Jazz Fest with us two weeks ago. Since it was his birthday weekend, I was so glad he made it. After we all got home, he told us that was the best birthday he’s had in a long time.

    Does is guy look 50? 🙂 I hope we all age this well. LOL! Please note my sister’s guns. I could go to the gym for a year and my arms will not look like that. Period. LOL!

  • I missed the Dallas premier last night. I left the pool late and then made a last minute run to WalMart. But I loves my HH because he knows I’ve been so absent-minded lately, so he had the foresight to DVR it for me. I’ll try to watch tonight. So far, I’ve heard mixed reviews.
  • Next week I get to attend two job related mediations. They will be the first ones I’ve ever attended. I’m excited! Another step forward in my career. It’s also one of my objectives for this year, so I will knock that off the list early. We also have our community service day next week, and I’m going to be cleaning up at the Ronald McDonald House with some of my favorite co-workers.
  • When I get home in the evenings, I just want to do nothing. My days are so full right now. But there’s laundry, house cleaning, study for CPCU (which I’ve half heartedly started) and trying to spend QT with HH, despite our different work schedules. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t have signed up for the triathlon and tried to take on the CPCU, but I will get through it. Like I learned in yoga, I just need to breathe. And get more organized about what I have to do.
  • I’ve been doing better with my water intake and my vitamins/supplements. I figure I need to keep up with all this training I’ll be doing. I try to drink 16 oz on the way to work, and then the other 64 throughout the day. So far so good.
  • The other stressor about the Tri is the dang money! I still need a bike, a helmet, a bike rack for the car…I don’t want to get any ol’ bike because I’d like to keep riding it after this is done. But I’m not getting a $700 road bike, either. I think I’ve finally settled on a hybrid bike. You can do the race wi a mountain bike, but you’ll have to work harder. In addition, the road. Ike tires are really skinny. I haven’t been on a bike in 20 years, so I don’t think that’s a good idea. LOL!

That’s about it for me. What’s new with you?

11 thoughts on “Brain Dump: Because MissMileHigh said so

  1. You do have a lot going on – don’t let the superficial get in the way of what’s truly important.

    I’ll be praying for you and your teen. I’m here if you need me. If I could give one bit of advice – its VERY important that you and HH present a united front. Even when you disagree, do it in private. Teens love to play adults against one another and when there’s a third (the mom) they really get creative.

    JOP is my vote. Some people just want to witness the vows and they can. Have a cookout (or other type of informal meal) after.

    • Thanks, Tazzee! 🙂 And so very true. I’ve seen him tell his mom one thing and tell his dad another. I’m not trying to step on his mom’s toes at all, but of he’s going to cohabitate with us, I will be involved in setting and enforcing the rules, in addition I providing support for him as needed.

  2. It worked, didn’t it? I know what I’m doing in my role as blog po-po, yo.

    You have wayyy too much going on! Reading this made me feel like the laziest sonofa… in the world! And they aren’t even little things – they’re all totally big. I’m going to go ahead and grant you a pass for the next couple months, but don’t go getting all crazy with it.

  3. Wow, I am working on my CPCU as well (small world). Trust me when I say it ain’t no joke LOL ! I’m getting close to finishing but I am definitely putting it on pause while I focus on my wedding planning. Good luck with your studies & exams !

    As far as the wedding, all I can say is do what makes you both happy on your own terms. I am amazed at how many people have opinions about what others should/shouldn’t do when it comes to getting married/having a wedding/eloping, etc & you are not even consulting them or asking what they think !

    I wish I could run outside. Those were the days. I have been back on my treadmill in the last two weeks and boy has it been hard ! I won’t complain. It’s my own fault, but its going to be a tough road back for me to get anywhere close to where I was before.

    Hang in there with the swimming. So proud of you for challenging yourself. I am blessed to have learned at a young age. So many adults would never try to overcome their anxiety around water. Kudos to you !

    • Yay! I’m literally just getting started on CPCU. Glad to know there’s someone who’s been through where I’m going. I might bug you with ?’s from time to time. 🙂

      I haven’t given up on the swimming, but some days I definitely feel defeated and can’t imagine myself in a six foot deep pool going 250 yards. :/

  4. Ma’am?! I need you to give yourself more credit. Yes, you’re juggling a lot… BUT! You’re doing it with style and grace.

    How about renting a bike from somewhere instead of purchasing? Keep at it on the swimming front because I need to know that there’s hope for me too 🙂

    As for the wedding, do whatever you and HH want to do. If folks really love and care about your union, they’ll be so happy it’s happening that they’ll show up to the JOP to witness and go eat at Waffle House (kidding) after without complaint.

    Take care of you!

  5. Hi Cassandra! How old is stepson (that way I know how much wine you need)? 😀 Seriously, though, you’ll do fine with that.

    Love your sister’s arms (tell her that!) –you got that genetic code!! Awesome!

    I absolutely hate swimming, so I can’t help you there. So bold that you are swimming.

    That’s smart to have a budget for the wedding. Only dumb young kids want to blow $10,000 for one day.

    🙂 Marion

    • Hey Marion! He’s 15…that age where you’re going through changes. He will be here 7/17, and to say I’m nervous would be an understatement.

      At this point I can swim on my back. That may be my go to for the race day. LOL!

  6. yes late to comment.. finally catching up on my reading..

    I went to the JOP.. saved a ton of money too.. you can always do a ceremony later if you want too.. and use that money to purchase your home..

    as for the teen.. *passing you a bottle of wine.. make that a case* I’m here if you need any advice or help.

    and that juggling act you got going on.. LOL you been “hanging” around me too long LOL

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